Warmachine News: Protectorate Vessel of Judgement Battle Engine
Privateer is rounding out Battle Engine week. We’ve seen Khador, Cryx, Retribution,and Cygnar’s offering and finally get a glance at the Protectorate Vessel of Judgement Battle Engine.
Here is the basic rundown of what this rolling shrine is:
Each Vessel is a massive reliquary, holding the sanctified remains of one of the ancient Menite Priest Kings. Terrible power is channeled through this conduit but at some risk to the relic within. The Synod of Visgoths are split on this matter. Some consider this use of relics to be a righteous manifestation of faith; others believe it is a blasphemous abuse of Menoth’s power.
As usual, go check out even more info here from the Privateer website.
~Its been an exciting week on the PP front. So after all of that, what do yu guys think of the entire concept of Battle Engines coming to Warmachine/Hordes? Who’s planning on adding one to your army?