40k Conversion Potential- Hell Dorado Miniatures
Hell Dorado is the new game on the block right now, and it has some real conversion potential for Warhammer 40k!
Okay I admit its not really “new”, but it’s newly translated into English and now available in North America. So that seems good enough to be called new to me.
The reason I bring it up the game seemingly arbitrarily, is Augustinus Raimond. This lad’s got potential – Conversion Potential.
So what could you do with this guy you ask? Well lots really. He’s pretty much pre-made in custom power armor, so we’re talking conversions of; Abaddon, Horus, The Emperor, Primarchs, Vulkan or any of the M41 Chapter Masters.
With a little elbow grease, and some time sky’s the limit here!