Mythicast Thunder Wolves: Giving The (Wolf)People What They Want.
4 Minute Read
Feb 28 2011

Hey everyone, Crazy Red Praetorian here to share my recent experience with Mythicast, the makers of some nice resin models that can be used with 40K and other games*wink wink*.
When the Space Wolf codex came out, I thought the Thunder Wolves were the most ridiculous unit ever. However, the unit slowly grew on me. Then I won a Canis model at a local tourney. I put it together and really hated the kit. I liked the overall look of it but that big chunk of metal was not what I was looking for. I later acquired a second Canis kit and promptly chopped it up to make an Iron Priest model. I was involved in a local escalation league and I was using a lot of units that I normally didn’t field. I was also using a large pack of Fenrisian Wolves. I came to really enjoy the fast paced play with these units and started thinking about possibly running some TWC.
The first “alternative” TW that I saw was the “Russian” wolf on ebay. I liked the look of it but there was only one pose. Finally, I decided to just bite the bullet and order five or six. I went on ebay and they were sold out. I figured “Oh well, I’ll get them next time.” It was about this time the TWC boom happened. It seemed that quite a few companies were making them and with different poses. Some of the models I really liked and others I hated. I finally decided to get the “Filipino” Wolves. That was when they disappeared from ebay. However, they soon reappeared under the name Mythicast. Mythicast soon left ebay and started their own website. They were back ordered for a while. Apparently, the Mythicast Wolves are pretty popular. I got my order placed in late October. My wolves had not arrived by late November. I contacted Mythicast in December and we did some tracking number searches, my wolves had been lost. Mythicast said they would get another set out ASAP. I recieved my wolves in the mail about 3 weeks ago. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement.
When the package arrived, I kindly thanked my local post lady and ripped open the package. There were five TWC and a bonus package of five storm shields. I did some cleaning on the models right away. Some cutting and filing were needed, but nothing too bad. Once I had everything dry fitted, I soaked the models in soapy water and then scrubbed them with an old “Soft” toothbrush. After rinsing thoroughly, I let them dry overnight. The next morning I primed them grey and started painting.
My only regret is that I rushed assembly and did not magnetize the riders for easy weapon swaps. If I do another set, I will definitely be going that route.
There was a tournament coming up that Saturday and I really wanted them to be finished for it. Well, life happened and I didn’t make the deadline. I did get to use one of the new TWs, though. My list wasn’t the strongest but I had a lot fun playing. The next week we had another tourney and I did get to field all of the TWs. I do like the way they play.
Overall, I have to say that I am very happy with the Mythicast Wolves. So, happy in fact that I plan on ordering some of their Fenrisian Wolves. There was some clean up required and a little green stuff is required. However, after assembling two Canis models, these were a breeze. I have to warn you, if you’re in a hurry for the models delivery time is about six weeks. Mine was longer but, Mythicast did deliver and sent a little bonus for my trouble. So, I am pleased with their customer service, just don’t expect your order in a few days, it will take weeks. The price was also pretty fair at $70US for five models delivered.
What do you think about the rise in aftermarket resin companies for our hobby? Have any of you purchased any of the TWC from other companies? If so, what was your experience like?
Thanks for reading!
Go Roll Some Dice!!!

Author: Guest Columnist