40K RUMORS: The Squats Return?

You know, some days rumors come out of left field and just brings a giant grin to your face. Read on for the latest round of 40k murmors to hit the tubes.
Demiurg will be returning with the TAU!
depending on printing problems it is possible they will be slated for November 2011 moving the Necrons backDemiurg will be a troop choice and have t4 s5(with battle axe) 5+ 5+FNP(intoxicating save) and SAP but will be allowed to charge 6″ instead of rolling
There is a squat HQ but no info yet.Kroot are still in as well as the Firewarriors
Character unlocks crisis suits as troops and they have gotten much better.
Now, pulling the Squats back into the 40K tabletop as Tau allies makes a lot of sense, and we have already seen the Demiurg appear in Battlefleet Gothic. Kinda sneaky, and in any case, HOORAY for any rumors related to Tau.
Standard caveats apply to this kind of long range rumors, but who would have ever believed the Jokaero were coming back if someone had uttered that 9 months ago? Have at it.