Forgeworld: Eldar Lynx and More

Forgeworld is at it again, with perhaps the most cost efficient Eldar superheavy yet devised. Take a gander at the Lynx Ladies and Gentlemen!
Eldar Lynx with Pulsar
Eldar Lynx with Sonic Lance
So, lets take a look at the Lynx. We have 2 structure points, so we are looking at an Eldar version of the Malcador/Macharius in overall durability, BUT, with the Scorpion costing substantially more (500pts) for that 1 extra SP, and having its main Pulsar being twin-linked, I’m thinking the Lynx is quite the bargain. That’s before taking into account its ability to TURN INTO A FLYER for rapid Apocalypse battle redeployment from target area to target area!!! Thoughts???