Privateer Press: May & June Releases

Hmm, why is it the Japanese have this funny way of finding out things first? Lets take a gander at what’s headed our way this May and June from Privateer:
Cygnar Field Mechaniks (6)
Protectorate of Menoth Choir of Menoth (6)
Khador Battle Mechaniks (6)
Cryx Bane Thralls (resculpt) (10)
Retribution of Scyrah Arcantrik Force Generator
Minions Farrow Slaughterhousers (6)
No Quarter Magazine Issue #36
Cygnar Long Gunner Infantry (10 white metal) (repack as full unit, not resculpt)
Cygnar Long Gunner(2)
Cygnar Long Gunners Unit (6)
Cygnar Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet (1 white metal) (New Wrath caster)
Protectorate of Menoth Thyra, Flame of Sorrow (1 white metal)(New Wrath Caster)
Khador Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (1 white metal) (new Wrath Caster)
Cryx Wraith Engine Battle Engine (1)
Cryx Lord Exhumator Scaverous (1 white metal) (new medium or large base cryx caster)
Retribution of Scyrah Lord Arcanist Ossyan
Mercenary Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire (1 white metal)
So there is Wrath at long last, ever so close, and while there are some repack, some intriguing stuff is in there as well.