WarGamesCon 2011 – The Mirror Match!
2 Minute Read
Mar 7 2011

There is only one way to really find if you’re the best. Face you own reflection on the field of tabletop combat. Welcome to the Mirror Match!
One of the age-old questions at tournaments has always been “What was the winner’s list?” This question is invariably followed with discussions of how favorable match-ups and/or the advantages of the list contributed to the victory, and more questions about how well the winner would have done with a different list. The same tends to be true on the Internet. But, dear readers… what if every player had the same list?
At this year’s WargamesCon we are happy to provide a group of aspirants with just that challenge. Here is the list.
2011 Mirror Match List
Captain Cato Sicarius
Librarian, Terminator Armor (Player chooses 2 powers).
5 Assault Terminators, Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield.
10-man Tactical Squad, Meltagun and Plasmacannon. Sergeant with Powerfist. Rhino with Extra Armor.
10-man Tactical Squad, Flamer and Lascannon. Sergeant with Powerfist. Rhino with Extra Armor.
10-man Scout Squad, Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher. Sergeant with Powerfist.
10-man Assault Squad. Sergeant with Power Weapon.
Predator with Autocannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
The Mirror Match Tournament provides a “meat and potatoes” list devoid of any spam or over the top tricks, and removes questions of list construction and favorable army match-ups from the equation. Every player has the same list and the same objectives. Further, the scoring for the Mirror Match Tournament is Win/Lose/Draw, plain and simple.
Example MirrorMatch Mission:
Mission 1: Deployment – Pitched Battle. Mission – Seize Ground (5 objectives).
Yes, that is the whole first mission for the Mirror Match. WargamesCon will endeavor to have as many tables designed with symmetrical, and identical terrain as well. May the best player win!
While we prefer that everyone be 100% WYSIWYG (that is partly why we have an army designed with ease of acquisition and fairly common models many players will have lying around for the event), we will allow a fair amount of latitude in accuracy. A Leman Russ substituted for your Predator is just fine, for instance.
We think this event is unique and interesting, and we’re excited about it. If the Mirror Match (and the chance to have the first bragging rights from it) appeals to you, register soon, as space is very limited. Best of Luck, and may the best player win!

Author: Larry Vela