40K NEWS: Forgeworld OpenDay 2011
Ok, so we’ve survived the 19 hour ride back to Austin from Adepticon (we’re on about 4 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours). Take a gander at all the Eldar and other coolness unveiled over the weekend by Forgeworld.
Highlights included many cool pics of the:
-Phantom titan
-IG Crassus Tracked Bunker
-2 In development Dark Eldar Vehicles
-Eldar Corsair Special Weapons
Few months off yet, still finalising the fluff at the beginning. Focuses on Eldar, with some guard and a tiny smidge of Wolves. All eldar models ever made have rules in it, so no need to carry multiple books.
Also the big one…not all models in the books will have models. I asked if there were rules for any models we hadn’t seen yet ( a sneaky way of asking if there were more kits for us to see yet). The reply was “Yes, a few more. Also some will have rules that were aren’t planning on producing” The Phoenix lord of the spectres was then gestured to. So maybe not getting a model yet?
Artwork is amazing. The pictures of the eldar squadrons stalking through the tundra, with the nights sky are simply astonishing
Shadow spectres get Phoenix Lord, didn’t read the stats
Corsairs get Allied DE with craftworlds, and a few new unique units and HQ choices
Solitaire is one of those new HQ. Doesn’t make quins troops, is a 0-1 no matter how big the army, not an IC and can carry a vortex grenade in Apoc for 75pts
AdvertisementApoc data sheets, including one which is a 550pt Avatar, has 2D6 wounds, a 2+ armour save and his wailing doom is upgraded to a Strength D 10″ template. However hes still a monstrous creature, not a gargant. He’s important in the story as its the avatars last stand so he goes out in a literal blaze of glory. So at the end of the game he takes D6 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed
Phantom Titans rules are above
The Wraithseer is a HQ wraithlord, his physic powers include one which force an enemy unit to take a moral check at -1 or fall back immediatly. Another gives one wraithlord or wraithguard near him fleet (!). And the other, if a friendly wriath unit within 6″ dies roll a D6. On a 6 its still alive, with one wound left. It also has a 4+ invulnerable
Dark Eldar
~I think the upcoming IA:11 is going to be one heck of a book. Us Eldar players have been wating a long time for the full on Forgelworld Treatment.