GW RUMORS: The Road Ahead – 2011-2012 Schedule?

Every loves their pet army. Here is the collated wisdom that’s been murmoring on the wind regarding the upcoming year’s schedule for both Fantasy and Warhammer 40k…
40K – Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf Codex – Summer)
WFB – Ogre Kingdoms (Fall)
40K – Necrons (Winter)
WFB – Brettonians or Wood Elves (flip a coin – Spring 12)
40K – Tau Empire
WFB – Dwarfs
40K – 6th Edition
~Remember, standard caveats apply, and don’t forget about the “Mystery Box” somewhere late this year. Once we get into 2012, schedules get fluid and things tend to float in and out. But this is the current scuttlebutt snapshot as of now. Have at it folks.