NEWS: Warmachine Starter Boxed Set Announced

Privateer has announced the pricing and contents for an all in one two-player starter boxed set for Warmachine. Details within.
Retail price is $99 and the box contains:
Complete Prime MKII rules in a travel-sized booklet (86 pages), introductory guide, dice, ruler, and 17 plastic WARMACHINE models with corresponding stat cards.
• Warcaster Kommander Sorscha
• Juggernaut Heavy Warjack
• Destroyer Heavy Warjack
• Man-O-War Shocktrooper Unit (5 models)
• Warcaster High Exemplar Kreoss
• Crusader Heavy Warjack
• Vanquisher Heavy Warjack
• Repenter Light Warjack
• Exemplar Cinerators Unit (5 models)
So we are now seeing both Privateer Press and Games Workshop settling on $99 as the pricepoint for the full sized starter sets for Warhammer 40000, Fantasy, and now Warmachine. New things to note in this announcment are plastic Khador Shocktroopers, and a Warmachine minirulebook. Khador vs Menoth is also an interesting decision.
I’ll leave it up to you all to determine value between the various system’s starter sets, as that is fundamentally a consumer decision. Have at it.