WFB NEWS: Storm of Magic Advanced Orders

Storm of Magic has shown up at long last on the Games Workshop advanced order page. Here’s what’s headed your way:
Storm of Magic $49.50
Battle Magic – Storm of Magic $13.25
Vampire Counts Necromancer $13.25
Dark Elf Sorceress $13.25
Warriors of Chaos Sorceror Lord $13.25
Warriors of Chaos Tzeentch Sorceror Lord $13.25
Chaos Lord on Manticore $49.50
Dark Elf Dreadlord on Black Dragon $49.50
Chimera $41.25
Cockatrice $35.50
Magewrath Throne and Balewind Vortex $37.25
Dreadfire Portal and Eternity Stair $37.25
Razumov’s Tomb $5.00
There are a few standouts in there. I like the Black Dragon, most of the beasties, and some the sorceror’s on foot. A lot of the terrain pieces however look like Halloween mantle fillers from Wal-mart. What’s your take on the minis?