Goatboy’s 40k Reviews – Battlefoam New Air Bag

Goatboy here again going through a review of the new Battlefoam Air Bag. It is a new design from the mind of Romeo and truthfully I have to say it is the idea I have been wanting him to make for a long time.
It is the “perfect” flight size as it can easily be the one bag that rules them all when I go out on a trip and need to bring my Plastic Dudesmen. As usual I will go through my normal review basics but obviously I will have to change some options as its a bag not a miniature.
I plan on going through the bag based on Look, Usability, and Value. After that I want to go over some of the options I think that makes this bag one of the best options for a miniature gamer.
Look – 9 out of 10
I do wish there were more color options for the bag. I understand that no matter how cool an Ultramarine blue bag might be I don’t think there would be much of a need to make enough of them to make it a profitable option. It is a hard thing to find the right colors that would make producing them in bulk worthwhile. The one good thing is that the green color is easier to draw on. Beyond the color aspects all the options look good with multiple pockets to hold your info, dice, templates, and other needed things. As this is an airport bag there are options to easily hold your flight info as well as your inflight entertainment to keep you from going nutty as a kid kicks the back of your chair and you second guess your army list.
The bag has wheels on it as well as a fold out handle that lets it become an easy to transport bag. I like the sturdy wheels and all the sturdy nubs that make the bag a bit more sturdy to keep it safe from getting banged, hit, and otherwise abused. The bag is built out of a new kevlar fabric that makes this look like a very tough and sturdy piece of luggage.
Usability – 10 out of 10
This is where the bag really shines as it holds a large amount of stuff. You have the default foam option that has one set of normal battle foam trays (9 inches of it) and then another set of Warmachine trays (9 inches again). This is a lot of room to hold your models. Another interesting thing is that it can hold two sets of GW trays side by side too. With this much foam you can easily hold a crazy large sized army (Ard Boyz anyone?). What I like is that I can easily hold my army and then with the space I can leave out I can easily hold my clothes and everything else I need for the trip. The hard sides make this a very sturdy bag so the chances for not being able to carry this on when flying a puddle jumper and you might have to check it at the front of the plan.
Value – 10 out of 10
Now I know Battlefoam’s bags are expensive but trust me they are worth it. I first thought they were over costed until I got lucky enough to get a hold of a paint bag for Privateer Press. I had read some reviews of the GW Paint Case and I was happy to try out the paint bag. I was so happy with the bag that I bought a 432 bag from Romeo. That bag is one of the best things I have gotten for all my armies. The only thing I wanted was a bigger bag that fit in an airplane and gave me a way to combine all my things into one carry on bag. Romeo announced the Air Bag a few months ago and I knew it was exactly what I wanted. When I got my goat hooves on the bag I just knew it was worth it.
All in all I think this bag is the just the right size for the gamer that likes to go around the country and throws dice down in the never ending game of war. The neat thing is that Battlefoam is producing foam trays that fit the entire size of the bag. This is great as a lot more armies are starting to get crazy flyers that take up more space. Also with the split in foam sizes you can take your Warhammer army and then your Warmachine army as you go out to visit your friends, tournament, or just a city you are interested in moving out too. I plan on eventually getting a smaller Malilfaux bag to help complete my miniature holding empire.
Have at it