EXCLUSIVE: Painted Warpath Orx Hero (Pic)

After last week’s Painted Forgefather Hero unveiling, its only natural to give the Orx Hero a turn to show off. Lets pull back the drapes on the latest from the upcoming Warpath from Manticgames.
On first glance, the Orx Hero has that same design sense seemingly sitting right on the edge between sci-fi and steampunk/fantasy. There is nothing *too* hard sci-fi in the model, nor is thee anything too overtly “high fantasy”. The pose is dynamic to the degree you often see in Privateer Press offerings and has gotten more energy added to it as it has progressed from the concept part to the completed model. I think the most distinctive thing that Mantic has managed with the mini is the hint of a simian undertone mixed with the early-aviation theme.
You can find out even more about Warpath on BoLS here, and on the Mantic site here. They have a newsletter you can sign up for also. You can check out the upcoming Warpath release schedule here.
~So what’s your take on these? Compare and contrasts are always welcome. Expect more soon…