FOW Review: Cassino

The item that caught my eye in this book on my first read through was the Fortification rules, and of those rules the one that piqued my interest was the rule of what counted as a bunker. It piqued my interest because in the Cassino fortification rules inclusion of a bunker makes the force that has bunkers the defender. The nice thing about the Cassino Fortifications is that Axis and Allied players get access to this rule. That is pretty huge when most of the published missions give the victory to the defender if the attacker fails to obtain the objective. This rule alone could see more armies based out of this book in tournaments.
All three of the German companies have something that will tempt a player to take them. They all have access to the Cassino Fortifications and so it is more of a matter of what style you want to play. Fallschirmjägers are Fearless Veteran so they will be the toughest defensive nut to crack. The Panzergrenadiers have access to two tank platoons and the Reichsgrenadier are Confident Trained, which makes them tempting for the low points cost.
The background material is top notch as always. I can tell their background writers really love the material and in their more recent books have really tried to add some of the more minutiae of the theater or campaign they are discussing. It really gives the book the added value of historical value, and it has gotten me to go research related topics. The hobby section is nice because it shows off the new injection molded bases, and how to work with them. The one page in this book I really love is the terrain page where they have pictures of a good table with terrain and a bad table. They even give good guidelines for how much open space there should be. My overall love would have increased if they would have offered a “how to build the buildings you saw in this book” section.

The rest of this book is dedicated to the Infantry Aces Campaign. The campaign is well done with one exception. The main rule book instructs players who are playing in 600 point games that they are only required to take an HQ and a single Combat Platoon. Since the starting point is 500 points I’m left wondering if at 500 and 700 points if this applies or if they left this intentionally vague to give campaign organizers the latitude to do what they want. I’m inclined to believe the latter. The system of giving your Infantry Ace experience over the course of the campaign is pretty nice and not terribly game changing. The campaign system is fairly straight forward and easy to follow and has suggested missions for every area of the campaign. I could definitely see this being used with the Flames of War Vietnam material too, so its utility is pretty high.