Goatboy’s Model Review – Warpath Heroes!

Goatboy coming with another Mantic Model review. This time I got ahold of the new Hero models from the upcoming Warpath game. Both of these models are metal instead of the normal plastic or resin you will see with some of Mantic’s other game options.
First off we have the Forge Fathers Huscal.
Value – 7 out of 10
This guy is pretty inexpensive and I wish there were more options on it. With it being a metal figure you knew there was no real extra bits for you to play around with. Still it is a nice model for a decent price.
Look/Form – 8 out of 10
Mantic really put a lot of effort in these models. They really have pushed their overall design on these guys and in some ways I wish they would have put some of these details on the regular troopers. Either way this guy looks really good with lots of detail and design.
Paintability – 7 out of 10
This guy has lots of small details and other bits that make it a fun guy to paint up. He doesn’t have anything hiding his body so it is great to paint up. Overall he was a lot of fun and a nice model to put some paint on.
Next up we have the Marauder Warlord.
Value – 8 out of 10
Wow this guy is huge. He is right along the same size as GW’s warboss and is every bit as mean looking. I think he really emphasizes the mean nature of this army and I really would like to see this design continued in the other Orx models that come out later.
Look/Form – 8 out of 10
This guy is really good looking. He has that huge monster look that is just full of threat. He is mean and look for that huge, Wolverine claw to crunch into Dwarven skulls. I really liked this model and thought he was the best thing out of Warpath right now.
Paintability – 7 out of 10
I do wish there were more options in this kit. Some crazy gun options or a different head too. Just something more to create more variety painting up these guys. It still painted really well with lots of different textures in the model from skin, cloth, and old metal pieces.