40K Hobby: Forge World Blight Drone

A Daemon manifesting as a machine, these formidable daemon engines of the Plague God poison and corrupt the battlefield. Complete resin kit. Here’s my take on one…
I have absolutely loved the Vraks campaign books and have a massive Chaos Renegade army to show for it. One of my favorite models from the series is the dreaded Blight Drone. I had a blast painting it.
I made extensive use of pigments to do the rust effects on the rotted carapace. If there is interest I can try to write up an article on weathering. You can also check out these three classics on painting rusty vehicles, rotten flesh, and sickly skin.
For the flesh I tried to make it very sore and swollen looking and highlight pustules. I thought about doing a fancy mount for it but haven’t done it yet. I may still go back and do it.
Anyway, I just thought some people might enjoy seeing another take on the Blight drone. Sometimes you just have to show off your latest creation!
Thanks for looking.