GW NEWS: Want to Join the Design Studio?

Looks like someone may have walked from the Design Studio. Games Workshop is hiring. Apply within…
Now this all looks very standard for a job posting until you hit this tidbit…
About Games Workshop
We make the best fantasy miniatures in the world and sell them globally at a profit.
The following statements define much of our business model and underpin our success:• We have an obsession with quality, and will go to extreme lengths to improve the miniatures and games we make.
• We focus on our own intellectual property.
• We have a worldwide presence.
• We are committed to doing all this as profitably as is sensible.What are we like?
Games Workshop is a business with a strong internal culture which means we have a very definite set of ideas, beliefs and ways of doing things. All our employees are dedicated to constantly making things better for our customers, whether this is by providing wonderful product or delivering great service. We are hard working, committed, passionate, cheerful and above all put the business first, whilst continually looking at how we can improve ourselves.We believe that how you behave does matter, therefore we believe that attitudes, such as those highlighted above, are even more important than skills and for many roles we will happily teach the skills you need if you bring a great attitude to your work.
If the way you behave and the attitudes you display fit with Games Workshop’s ideals, it is highly likely you will be successful, well rewarded and happy. However, it is only fair to say that people who don’t fit with our culture, or who play at fitting, will be unhappy and consequently unsuccessful.
That’s kinda odd to throw into a open req. – for a design position. Its like saying, “be creative – exactly the way we tell you to – or you won’t be happy – and you know what happens to people who aren’t happy…”
So, any guesses on why the vacancy opened up. Who’s up for the new position? Get your CV’s ready!