40K BATTLE REPORT: Chaos Daemons vs Black Templars

The BoLS video battle reports continue – This week we bring you “The Grudge Match” Darkwynn’s Black Templars face off against Goatboy’s hard as nails Chaos Daemons army. Its gonna be a great battle no matter what happens – don’t miss it!
OK, SPOILER ALERT – As you can tell, we ran over a bit due to Goatboy’s inability to use brevity. You did see the entire game. Once it was wrapped up, both Objective Missions were tied and Darkwynn’s Templars pulled it out by a narrow lead on Killpoints. Having the Chaos Daemon primary wave not show up initially was just too much of an uphill struggle for Goatboy to fight his way out of. If that nasty Crusher-Skulltaker unit has dropped on turn one, it probably would have gone the other way. Those fickle ruinous Powers!