40K NEWS: Space Marine Storm Eagle

Either Forgeworld has an entirely new flyer for us eager Space Marine players, or its their best April Fool’s Joke ever…
You make the call:
Hmmm, it does seem to have quite a bit of “reused parts” that come from other models, in particular, there are the obvious StormRaven parts, and some of the fins look similar to DropPod bits.
That said, it IS on the Forgeworld site, with a price and everything…
Also, take a look at p.4 of your Space Wolves codex. See anything odd flying overhead?
~You make the call: real, or fake? StormEagle discussion (with pics) in the BoLS Lounge here.
UPDATE: IT’S REAL! FORGEWORLD ROLLED IT OUT THIS MORNING OFFICIALY! Looks like all those “Marine Gunship” rumors from the past couple of months were right!