Goatboy’s Model Review – Mantic’s Corporation Models!

Goatboy here again – getting lucky enough to paint some of Mantic’s new Warpath Corporation models. As usual the review will follow the same sort of guidelines to better explain my own thoughts and opinions of the models.
As usual I will start the review off with Build, Paint, and Value. Build deals with how the model goes together and the quality of the parts, Paint is based on how easy it is to paint, and the Value is if this model is actually worth it. The review scale is below. So let’s begin.
Goatboy’s Review Scale
1 – Why am I reviewing this? Oh yeah I am probably not going to be putting this on the site.
2 – Barely acceptable. In fact it better be cheap so the sheer crap factor of it might be covered up in savings.
2.5 – Needs more – well more!
3 – Fine – not terrible not amazing.
3.5 – Better then ok – but still just missing that final kick in the gonads.
4 – Good model and worth a look at.
5 – Wow – this kicks ass.
So let’s begin with the first batch of models I painted – The Corporation Rangers.
Build – 2.5 out of 5
These guys go together fairly easily. In fact they are much easier then the Elsyians from Forgeworld, which most likely these models will be used in place of. I just wasn’t happy with the limited poses as well as static gun options. You get lots of other guns, but you have to do some clipping, filing, and fitting to get to look right. If the model wasn’t so easy to go together then the rating would be lower due to the limited options in the kit. I wish we had more arms as well but still as far as a plastic army man goes, this one is easy to build and nice on the eyes.
Paint – 3 out of 5
There are lots of little details on this kit. You get a cool backpack, belts, pouches, and a rather nifty helmet. The scale on these guys fits into the Malifaux and Infinity style. You have a much more realistic body size that fits within the normal human proportions. This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but when I think of the actual Army in space – this is the size I expect my casualties to be.
Value – 4 out of 5
These would be higher if we had more options for your dollar. Compared to other army men models out there these guys are a steal. We priced out a normal IG army with Elysiums and then with these guys and it wasn’t even close. Mix that with the sheer frustration involved in putting those other guys together (I painted over a 100+ for a client as well as paid someone to put them together for me – I don’t think he has forgiven me yet). As almost all of the big tournament events around are now Independent expect to see more of these guys hitting the tabletop as IG stand ins.
Up next we get the basic grunt of the lot – The Marines.
Just like the guys above these are built in the same style. You need a knife to change up the poses and then you have to ask yourself is the chance to cut yourself worth it for a basic grunt? Again if it wasn’t so easy to put them together and the overall decent poses this review would be lower.
Paint – 3 out of 5
Just like the guys above these models have a lot of detail on them. Pouches and belts as well as some cool armor designs abound on the kit. They do feel like the type of army you would see in the future – close hugging plastic body armor mixed with pouches and other utility options. The gun looks good too. It fits the space theme needed for these models.
Value – 4 out of 5
Hoodog these guys are cheap. This is what shoots up the value on a fairly stock kit. I want more options in there like some kind of close combat weapon for your leader beyond the energy fist. It would be neat to see some kind of medic or communication option in there too as well as some kind of “heavy-ish” weapon. Still for the amount of guys you get you can’t beat the deal to get a different looking IG army.
I leave you with a picture of the size of the guys. They really fit into the Elysian feel as well as not having the constant “herohammer” look we see with super buff IG guys running around the table and looking for some home made wine to dull the constant ache of not living too long.
Have it folks.