Hordes: Plastic Warpwolf Unboxing

The latest new Hordes plastic kit hits the shelves this month, and Privateer has sent along a preview copy to show off here on BoLS. This time it’s Circle players that are getting a cool new beast kit. Let’s see what they’ll find in the box.
Inside are three cards and a sack of parts.
These are all the pieces. Seeing all those sets of arms gives me a weird urge to make some sort of Warp Wolf Shiva conversion. Probably best to ignore that impulse.
Nothing like a big honking sword. The cool details on the sword and the armor are nice and well defined. Should look great when its all painted up.
Here’s a more detailed shot of all the faces.
There’s cool detail all over, like the stitching on the sleeves of the Stalker.
All the pieces have a nice snug fit. They held together well enough for me to take this semi-assembled shot.
And here are the bits for the new character beast everyone’s going to want to get their hands on: Ghetorix.
~ So hopefully the pictures speak better than my words can. I think its a cool kit… what do you guys think?