40K Rumors: On Flyers and a Party

Remember when we were talking about those missing Warhammer 40,000 flyers…
On Parties:
First there is this little thing from Games Workshop Adelaide’s Facebook page:
Today we have a super secret release that we can’t talk about (mainly because we have no idea what it is!) so it’s time to CELEBRATE!
At 12:00 today we will be having a massive free for all game using your models from the past three weeks worth of converting and gaming madness!
Bring along your converted Character, Troops and Vehicle and slug it out with everyone else to see who is the Ultimate Deathworld Champion!
Wear something GREEN or have GREEN paint somewhere on your miniatures to receive ONE reroll that you can use in the game.
No party is complete without cake and soft drink, which we will supply on the day until we run out.
Apparently several other Games Workshop stores have similar announcements up.
And Flyers:
Followed by ever reliable Harry who chimed in with this little gem regarding the party:
I meant flyers.
I am thinking just three of those…. SM, Ork and Necron. (As mentioned in the first post).
I am not saying the other ones are not coming …. just not quite as soon as these three.
Apparently the new flyers (the SM one is NOT the StormEagle) will arrive with White Dwarf rules.
~I’ll let you figure out what this could mean for the release window for 6th Edition…