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40K RUMORS: The 6th Floodgates are Opening…

2 Minute Read
May 6 2012
Warhammer 40K

You know, I like to think the rumors about 6th would settle down… but nooooooooooo…

Hot on the heels of Tasty Taste’s latest bombshell, we get followup and even more from Grant…

via Faeit 212

I know all of these rumors sound bloody ridiculous but they may not be bad for the game at all. I have been chatting with the source for my documents, we both feel that based off of the csm codex that assaults off of consolidation will be back as well as possibly off the bloody deep strike. This is not only backed up by the fact that they are “nerfing” assault range, but also because of 2 special rules.

Mates say hello to bloody “snap fire” and the return of overwatch.

Snap fire – allows a unit to shoot at an attacking unit at bs 1 prior to being assaulted.

Also mates, since I’m posting I may as well add a snippet or two more to the firestorm…
Rhino’s have 3 hull points, Landraiders and the defiler have 4. Any damage chart result other than wrecked or explodes will take 1 hull point away.

HQ’s can now challenge each other just like in fantasy. This must be accepted by opponent or is played normal. HQ that wins, wins the assault for his unit.

Chaos units that kill a unit get to roll on a chart for gifts from a chaos lord very similar to the power from pain rule that Phil gave to DE.


Thousand sons are still relentless and still have ap 3 bolters.

So with the 6th rulebook said to hitting the street the first week of July, it would appear the floodgates are opening more and more by the day.

Basically, we have several branches of the rumortree, but while the details differ, the general gist seems to be a decision by the Design Studio to “double down” on Fantasy.  Two years ago, based on the veiled language of of the last Games Workshop Annual statement, we had a tacit admission that Warhammer 40000 was about to, or already had overshadowed Warhammer Fantasy.

If even some of these rumors coming from various sources are true (random charges, mystery terrain rules, challenges, allies, charge reactions, “magic lores” etc…) , it would appear that GW has decided to address this inequality between the two systems by pulling 40k strongly in the direction of WFB rather than pulling WFB in the direction of 40K.  It looks like a strategic decision has been made that GW is a “WFB Company” and its “Damn the torpedoes, FULL SPEED AHEAD”

~I’m dizzy.  Have at it.


Author: Larry Vela
  • This Week in 40K Podcasting – 4/27/2012 – 5/04/2012

    Warhammer 40K