Hordes: Skorne Animantarax Unboxing
3 Minute Read
May 16 2012

The last Hordes battle engine finally releases this May. Skorne players, here’s what you’ll find when you open your new Animantarax.
Tucked inside are two containers full of resin and metal.
Here are all the pieces. Check out the Skorne symbol and script on the monster’s back. Let’s do some close-ups.
Here’s a closer look at the abdomen; from the side this time. Its covered with the same stylized embellished armor as the rest of the Skorne.
All the feet have cool ripply skin like this one. As well as the gruesome pain barbs the Skorne use to control their beasts.
The head is metal and resin. He looks like a suitably grumpy creature.
The tail has some nice armored plates.
This tower sprouts out the front of the creature. It’s where the Double-Reiver Cannon is mounted.
Here’s that Cannon.
This side turret and another like it mount the spear armed crew.
This turret on the back sits on top of a small tower where a horn-blowing Skorne perches.
He must have some lungs.
The rest of the crew; in the usual Skorne Praetorian style armor.
~ The Animantarax ends the Battle Engine release cycle, which raises a few interesting questions. Will this be the last Battle Engine we ever see, or are there more on the horizon? Should we expect ones for Mercenaries and Minions in the near future, or are they destined to remain overlooked? Will the 9 primary factions get new ones and if so, when? I’m sure you’ve got your ideas so let us know!

Author: Ben Williams