Faeit’s 40k Rumor Tarot: Do Not Submit to Fear

This weeks rumor wrap up is a lot less rumors as it is insights into the new rulebook. There is a lot in there and it is time to start sorting….
The future is Nigh, and the currents of the Immaterium are raging past us as we seek to define our Existence. There is only war and devastation on our event horizon, but it is as it should be, and we shall strike down our foes with rightousness and determination all in the name of the Emperor.
We have come into 6th edition full of expectation. Albeit our understanding will widen as the days pass, but we have a lot to work through, and together maybe we can help descipher some of the biggest changes effecting us.
Morale in 6th Edition:
Listen up you xenos players, this ones for you. Morale in the new edition gives your units more life than you have seen in the past. Recall regrouping conditions in 5th edition?
You could not be…… (unless marines of course)
1. The unit is below half strength
2. enemies within 6″
3. coherency
6th Edition, notice the changes…..
1. If at least 25% of units models are alive-normal leadership test
2. If less than 25%-can only pass on insane heroism double 1’s
3. if fails immediately continues to fall back
4. When regrouping you immediately move up to 3″ and must attempt to establish coherency
At this point you are able to not run or charge, but can fire as if moved using snap shots.
No longer will units be ran off the board with enemy units chasing us, and dropping the minimum regroup size down to 25% is a huge step in keeping our xenos units alive and active on the tabletop.
Snap Fire
I know you have heard enough about snap fire, it seems to be all the rage. However, lets look at a few things about snap fire that can be used to your advantage on the table top. We are not going to talk about assaults and overwatch. Snap Fire is when you use a ballistic skill of 1 to shoot at the enemy with these opportunistic shots. There are many times you will find yourself firing under these circumstances.
Some reasons for firing snap fire….
-You are in a transport that is crew shaken
-You just regrouped
-Your tank was shaken or stunned
-You simply have to move that heavy weapon for some reason
If you are going to take this penalty, use it to get off those opportunistic shots at flyers and swooping monstrous creatures. If you have to fire snap shots, use them first at targets that you have to use snap fire for anyways.
Night Fighting
Night fighting is now a much larger part of our game than it was in 5th edition. All the talk of randomness in 6th, and here is a spot where the randomness of how far you can see is no longer random.
Grab your searchlights, because in 6th edition they are going to get a lot of use. You can see models up to 36″ away and illuminating other models has never been easier. After firing a units weapons, if you have a searchlight, you can illuminate your enemy. When night fight takes over your mission in the beginning of the game, its vital that you have the available search lights to brighten up the enemy. It is much easier to get cover saves in 6th edition (25% to obscure vehicles), and there is no reason to give your opponents the shrouded special rule (+2 to their cover save) for targets 24″-36″.
Mysterious Objectives
Many missions have the mysterious objectives special rule. These can mean absolutely nothing, and can even be sabotaged. However, on a 3+ the objectives give you bonus’s. Its vital that you start taking advantage of these extra bonus’s on the tabletop, as they range from giving your controlling unit’s skyfire, re-rolls when shooting, bonus’s to cover saves (really nice in or near ruins), and the opportunity to half the distance of assaulting units.
Identify these key positions early, especially those near or in your deployment zone. The advantages found can become key center points for the battle.
Big Guns Never Tire and The Scouring
These missions offer some unique opportunities. In Big Guns Never Tire, Heavy support units are scoring units, and it includes vehicles!!!
A question comes in on whether or not flyers that are in these categories can claim these objectives by being within 3″ of their base. I have not come to grips with this one yet, but it is likely they can control objectives in these two missions. This allows for flyers to fly off the field, and come in at incredible speeds to grab and take objectives at the last moment of the battle. Releveant rules are on page 80 for flyers, page 123 for controlling objectives, and page 128 and 129 for details of the mission special rules.
For more on 6th edition remember to check back on Bell of Lost Souls often, and head on over to Faeit 212 with me, to keep the discussion going.
Time to hit the caffiene Gentlemen, and Ladies, and get back to the gaming table. What other new insights and rules are discovering that make the difference in 6th edition?