REVIEW: Puppetswar Light Tank Turrets Pt. 2

Puppetswar makes loads of bits. Lets look at some of the tank turrets.
2 teef – below average but not terrible. This product was a slight let down. (below average)
3 teef – Good, average, this product meets my expectations (average)
4 teef – superior to most of the products out there in either price, quality, etc this product goes above my expectations. (above average)
5 teef – Extremely high value or quality. This product blows me away. (rare)
Disclaimer: I play 40k; I’ve played 40k since the 80’s. When I look at a model I look at it from the perspective of how can I use this in 40k? That’s not to say the model can’t be used in alternative ways it’s just my perspective.
This is part two and will feature more of the conventional weapons. Part one was more energy weapons. Yes the actual review is identical so don’t blast me over that. I just didn’t want to have too many pictures in a single review.
Quality: I was pretty impressed with the quality on these. There is a lot of detail and pretty clean as well. You can also buy them with a stand alone hull and track which could work as a rapier or something else for an alternate game.
4 Teef
Value: For the price its hard to beat these conversion bits. At 7 euros each you can afford to have a few different option for your Rhinos/Razorbacks. They also come with an alternate top piece where the turret sits. You can use the stock GW if you prefer though.
4 Teef
Look/Feel: These look and feel very “grimdarky”. Almost like that was the intent. When mounted on a Rhino chassis they don’t look out of place. I think they fit really well as far as the aesthetics are concerned.
4 Teef
I love the twin linked flame throwers! That’s got Blood Angel players written all over it.
Questions, Comments? What do you think?