40K: Looks Who’s Back!!!

We’ve all been wanting to see some of our favorite lost races either return, or finally emerge into the Games Workshop Universe. Well crack open your 6th Edition rulebooks.
Ladies and gentlemen, please turn to p.405 and read all about abhumans. In particular:
The “stable” abhumans listed as having official status in the Imperium are:
Ogryn (Homo sapians gigantus – who have 7 sub categories)
Ratlings (Homo sapians minimus)
Squats (Homo sapians rotundus)
Beastmen (Homo sapians variatus)
Troths (Homo sapians verdantus
Longshanks (Homo sapians elongontus)
Pelagers (Homo sapians oceanus)
Felanids (Homo sapians hirsutus)
Neanders (Homo sapians hyannothus)
A few points here. If would seem with the formal reintroduction of Squats into the fluff explicitly stated as a vibrant and living abhuman strain could portend interesting things. Apparently the Design Studio has smashed the Squat Clock.
Next, the fluff states that of these, Beastmen are on the way out and actively being persecuted by the Adeptus Arbites, not being allowed to use space travel or be inducted into the Imperial Guard. That would seem to indicate the others CAN BE. I certainly see the opportunity for a lot of very cool hobby and conversion opportunities for IG (and small allied IG detachment) models. Many of those models could come from other GW ranges or even other manufacturers as well.
I’ll leave it up to you to figure out exactly what the heck all those new abhuman strains would represent or look like (have at it in the comments), but I think the ancient Warhammer 1st Edition Menfish have at long last made thier way into the Dark Millenium as Pelagers!
Have at it folks. What do you think some of those other abhumans strains would look like and how would you convert them?