Goatboy Model Review – Secret Weapons 6X6 Rapid Assault Vehicle

Goatboy here again with another model review. Today we have the Secret Weapon 6X6 Rapid Assault Vehicle.
As is usual with any model review – I use a special points scale to properly evaluate the kit. I use Build, Paint and Value to judge these products with the scale below.
Goatboy’s Review Scale
1 – Why am I reviewing this? Oh yeah I am probably not going to be putting this on the site.
2 – Barely acceptable. In fact it better be cheap so the sheer crap factor of it might be covered up in savings.
3 – Fine – not terrible not amazing.
4 – Good model and worth a look at.
5 – Wow – this kicks ass.
So with that in mind – let’s begin.
Build – 3 out of 5
This model went together fairly well. You have a lot of the normal Resin issues with large channel flash and some annoying bit chunks to cut off. The hull fit snuggly together and the wheels went on fine. The pewter gun parts also fit very snuggyly and I thought the turret design went well on top of the kit. This was fairly easy to build and had very little warpage.
Paint – 4 out of 5
I did enjoy painting this model. Some of the scaling is a bit off from the normal heroic scale of 40k so that can be a bit off putting. There is not a whole lot of movement and build options so in some ways this model limits some of your ability to customize. I built mine to be a Chaos one to utilize in hopefully the new Chaos Codex. We’ll see if it comes out. There is a lot of small detail with different plating and other options on the model that makes it look good. I like all the little window slits that allowed me to do a little bit of ASL light work.
Value – 3 out of 5
This kit isn’t as cheap as getting some of the other vehicle options out there. It does give you a neat alternative to finding that wheeled vehicle. I do like that it is a complete kit that allows you all the options. I do wish we had some sponsons that could be added on to create some of the other vehicle kits. I really like the idea of having a fully wheeled transport vehicle army and think this is a nice one to add to the mix.