40K Contoversy – Of Njal and Flyers
There’s a tempest in a teapot brewing over the weekend. The NOVA Open saw a controversial ruling that benefiting one of the eventual top placing players. What’s your take?
The general question is:
How do you resolve Njal Stormcaller’s Lord of Tempests ability with Flyers in 6th Edition.
This came up with a player planning on unleashing the potent power of the Vengeful Tornado and Chain Lightning effects from Njal on nearby flyers. You have two basic choices:
1) Let Wreckage Rain From the Heavens! Read the powers in the codex as RAW. The vehicles are struck as defined in the power. Flyers are automatically struck – no rolling to hit using Snap Fire rules, and no Evades allowed.
2) They’re Moving Too Fast! Use the flyer rules from the 6th rulebook p.81 – any Flyers still reuire snap fire rolls to be struck and get Evade rolls if desired.
The judges ruled for option 1, and the player moved forward, finishing with a high ranking.
What’s your take?