40k Rules: Night Scythes & their Gooey Insides

There seems to be a common consensus when a Night Scythe is destroyed that the embarked passengers don’t take Crash and Burn rules. But why?
TPM here. I know I normally post army lists or tactics and I am not know as being someone who spends a lot of time debating rules. This is because I typically try to follow the ‘law of the land’ of tournaments I attend. After a rash of somewhat advantageous FAQs at a national tournament I have started to weigh in a little more actively as we shape this new edition in regard to tournament gaming.
The Crash and Burn rule states that if a Zooming Flyer is destroyed then you scatter the wreckage and then IF the vehicle was a transport and had passengers then any models within take a str 10 hit with no armor save. THEN you place the survivors.
The Night Scythe transport rule only states that the embarked passengers are not allowed to disembark if it is destroyed. It does not say that they are not embarked in the Night Scythe and that they do not suffer the fate of Crash and Burn.
This is one of those situations where people are confusing the fluff with the actual rules. I posted a version of this article on my personal blog and the comments were largely made by gamers who were more concerend with the Night Scythe’s fluff story than the actual rules under the vehicle profile.
The Night Scythe shares all the properties of a normal transport vehicle. It has rules for capacity and an access point as well as detailed rules on how passengers embark into the vehicle. The ONLY difference is how units disembark IF the vehicle is destroyed.
Nowhere in the rules for the vehicle does it detail that the passengers do not take the Crash and Burn effects. It ONLY states that the final step – the deployment – is handled differently.
While Necron armies are not exactly ‘dominating’ out there if they take proper casualties there is a higher chance that average players taking middle of the road and non power gamed lists will get less frustrated with the ‘Flying Circus.’
With all this in mind break out your rulebooks and Necron codex and check the order of operation. What do you think?!