40K Rumors: Tau Latest
You didn’t think we’ve forgotten about the Tau Empire did you? Here’s the latest on the grapevine for our blue fishy friends.
2013 Q2/3 (lots in front of it)
Kroot are in – 1 to 2 new units including a beastly transport. ~probably the Great Knarloc
They may have more options in a later supplement.
No Demiurge
Crisis Suits:
Several new crisis suits.
More elegant style than current suits.
New smaller suit stealth-suit sized model designed for close combat.
New larger suit, with 2 twin linked rail cannons and a missile option.
Plastic Pathfinders
Remora Drone fighter (and possibly a second “Copperhead” flyer) is in
-dual gatling cannons
-rail gun option
-AA missiles or bombs option (pick one)
Railguns have a JOWW effect, able to hit multiple models in a line, but if hitting vehicles has a max number of hull points it can cause. Draws a line from the barrel to table edge, or the weapons max range. Every model under starts taking hits starting with the closest. If the railshot hits a vehicle or structure with Hull Points, its strength drops. Once it hits 3 or a table edge or fails to make a penetrating hit it’s done.
~Comment for the Greater Good!