Goatboy’s The 3rd Perspective – Mantic’s Zombie Pack

Goatboy starting off a new batch of malarkey today with the start of my new review series.
There are a lot of new companies out there creating some pretty cool items. With GW’s withdrawal from the tournament scene and a slow drive to creating all the codexes options has left a nice little pocket for other companies to create new and interesting products.
I end up using these products in a lot of my daily conversions/painting/etc and I thought it would be great to help showcase some of these items to the community. You can see pictures of the items online but it really takes someone jumping on the item to really get a feel if it is something you want to purchase. I know that hobby money can be tight so any help in choosing the right product is a good thing.
So I plan on reviewing items as I buy or receive them as a way to help out both sides of the hobby. I don’t plan on limiting these reviews to just model related items as I have experience with the extra items used throughout the hobby. Look for some base reviews coming as well as more mini parts reviews as well.
I plan on reviewing the item in 3 ways. I will base it on Pros and Cons and if it is worth it in the end.
The first review is an item that is based off of two other items that have been reviewed in the past. Mantic is not a new company and in a lot of ways it splits the community. I have been pleasantly surprised about how much they have improved over a short time. They do seem to listen to the community and I think we will see some pretty awesome stuff coming out from their Kick Starters as well as their desire to help the hobby out. I haven’t had a chance to play Dreadball yet but from all intents it sounds like a cool game. But I am not talking about that today – instead I want to talk about their little kick to help fill in the hole left by some lackluster zombie kits we have from other companies.
of the other ones that we normally see standing side by side in a plastic box. They go together pretty well and as they are a mixture of plastic and resin they hold pretty well.
Build wise they are pretty simple. You can swap out heads and arms to create the looks you see above or you can cut them right above their “Rob Liefield” style utility belt and carefully cut the zombie chest to fit on top. The zombie is a bit “bigger” size wise than the marine so you will need to make sure to cut a part of the abdomen when building these flesh eating jerks.
The extra guns you get from the Corporation are fun to reconvert into some funky “narrative” style zombies. You can see one above that seems to have the gun backwards for some “accidental” damage.
The kit comes with a enough bits to mix and match up a bunch of zombie jerks and will help fill out those FAQ’d balls of 35 Typhus buddies.
The only thing I found issue with these guys is an overall lack of arm choices in general. you had to hack apart the arms a lot to create the units and sometimes it felt a bit too duplicated when building the guys. I am also not the biggest fan of the attached feet to small circle base. You can clip them from it – but that is a pain in the butt. I am also not the biggest fan of the completely flat base sides. I guess I am too used to the nice angled bases from my normal game.
Should you buy this? Yes (if you need zombies)
If you need zombies for your army (if you are planning on playing Chaos then that should be a yes) then this is a great deal. It’s 1 dollar a rotten corpse and you can beat that with a stick. You could mix in more parts from other options and easily make this a 100 man horde with some careful planning.
If you are interested in having your products reviewed – you can email me at goatboybols @ gmail.com. Put in the subject line – 3rd Perspective review. Next time I plan on going over some base options I have gotten/bought over the years. I also have some models upgrade parts I have purchased coming in as well. As I said these reviews will be more then just items sent to me as I really want to look at things I have bought and used for my own personal armies.