Best of BoLS – Hobbits, Scorpions & Tiny Lamenters

Best of BoLS returns with more of your models
Doc; Afternoon, morning or evening (time zone dependant) to you all! Its time for another riveting look through the best the BoLS lounge can throw at us!
Shades; Hello again BoLSers. Once again me and the Doc have been delving into the very guts of the Miniatures, Hobby and Project Lounge to find some of the most beautiful, horrifying or otherwise intriguing models YOU GUYS are sharing with the world wide webz. To be honest, we never stop delving; it’s just difficult to remind ourselves to come back up for air and to type these articles sometimes!
Doc; To celebrate the Hobbit launch I figured I’d celebrate with a LotR model. This wonderful Isengard Troll was produced by ddsa86.
With some much metal work on the model it is important to make it stand out and not use a flat Boltgun metal on it (Sorry…Leadbelcher. Stupid new paint names…). For this reason the tarnished effect and edge highlighting on the metal plates help make the model really stand out from the crowd.
Shades; On big models like this one, it is really easy for the details to disappear into the scale, but ddsa86’s simple colour scheme has really allowed them to stand out without having to over highlight the model to compensate for spot colours, keeping the darker, grittier and downright grimier look that really compliments the brutality of the model.
Whilst sticking with our theme, here is something completely different, JayCops Saruman
JayCorps’s thread is absolutely crammed full of Middle Earthy goodness, so I strongly suggest you check it out. One of the things I like most about this model is the staff. It is unmistakably black, but highlighted to such a glossy looking level that it doesn’t stand out jarringly against the rest of the model. Anyone who has painted black like this will tell you it isn’t an easy technique to get right, but here it has been done exquisitely. The shading in the robes and hair also helps to accentuate the gloss effect with all the highlights looking like they are coming from the same light source. While it seems an obvious thing to do, all too often you see models where the painter has got it just slightly wrong, just breaking the realism of the piece.
Bigred Here: I wanted to invite you all to a special request. Its December, and the holidays are fast approaching. I truly feel that the beating heart of any gaming community isn’t the tactics guys smashing face (as much as we love them), but the diligent hobbyists painting and converting away – alone in thousands of cozy painting desks around the world.Please take this as a warm holiday request my friends. When next you sit down at your hobby desk, take a camera, or even your smart phone with you. Take some shots and share your next December project with the community. Let’s all share some of our holiday hobby with the community. Post your stuff right here. Thanks Everybody!