EDITORIAL: Did GW Hitch Themselves to a Sick Hobbit?
Games Workshop moved heaven and earth to get and meet the terms of that Hobbit license. But did New Line hold up their end of the bargain?
We all remember the first time around. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was new and amazing. The three films were gems, and generated tremendous word of mouth and repeat business. Games Workshop devoted a third of White Dwarf to the franchise for years (remember those days).
The money flowed in and everyone thought the easy cash would never end – till it did – quite suddenly.
Fast forward to today…
This time around Games Workshop seems to have a more conservative take on The Hobbit License. Yes we are seeing all the boxed sets, the new miniatures, and movie hoopla, but there is a much more balanced sense to it. It sure doesn’t feel like last time – when Lord of the Rings coverage smothered both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 releases and attention for months on end.
Perhaps this is all for the best. Because The Hobbit is not the movie the LotRs was. Yes, its the biggest movie to hit the holiday release window, but it doesn’t really have any competition and that critical week to week delta that shows whether a movie “has legs” and bring in tons of positive repeat business and word of mouth looks bad. The movie fell to less than half its opening weekend sales in its second week with no notable opposition. One thing is for certain – whether you personally like it or not, The Hobbit is no Fellowship.
Maybe the more conservative Hobbit product focus from Games Workshop was a blessing in disguise for all involved.
~What’s you take? Does the Hobbit have what it takes?