Malifaux Modelling Spotlight: Arkham Asylum

Hi everyone this is the first of a new line of articles looking at various interesting modelling and paintjob ideas. Today we see what a Malifaux – Batman mashup gets you…
First up is Dave Powell’s Arkham Asylum Outcasts, he can be found on the Wyrd forums as LordofStuff as well as at his website here for his art projects.
All of these models are converted from various other Malifaux models throughout their entire range.
The Viktorias aka Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
Avatar of Slaughter; Harley and Ivy
Von Schill aka Joker
Taelor aka Bane
Freikorps Specialist aka Mr Freeze
Convict Gunslinger aka Two-Face
Hamelin the Ratcatcher aka Scarecrow
Freikorps Librarian aka The Riddler
Freikorpsman aka The Penguin
Freikorps Trapper aka Hush
Misaki aka Ra’s Al Ghul
Ronin aka Zsasz
We have one that have not yet made it into photos, this is Clayface who is represented by Killjoy in the game which will be converted from Mr Graves.
Heres a hint to another themed Malifaux project of Dave’s.
Ive had an idea of my own for a Gremlin Justice League to go against these featuring Ophelia as Batman, 3 Young LaCroix as Robin, Nighwing and Red Robin, Pere Ravage well Mere Ravage as Wonder Woman (I thought of a Dynamite filled Lasso and just had to), Rami LaCroix as Green Lantern, Raphael LaCroix as Flash and Francois LaCroix as Superman , I will start to convert these in early 2013
I hope you enjoyedthis first of a new line of articles looking at various interesting modelling and paintjob ideas, if anyone has any interesting models I would like to hear from you, I can be found on the Wyrd forums as Bucket Monkey and via e-mail at [email protected].
~Enjoy everybody!