40K Homebrew: Zombiepocalypse Campaign

Nurgle Zombie Apocalypse is a 2 – 4 player RPG game based on the world and rules of Warhammer 40k 6th edition – from the Land Down Under
Guest Article by Crynn from 3++ is the new black
The game is focused on 2 – 4 heroes, each one controlled by a single player who battle against wave after wave of Nurgle zombie hordes in order to either outlast all the other heroes or to destroy the centre Nurgle Portal spawning all the Zombies. Each Hero can be selected from a wide variety of units from every Warhammer 40k codex and players are free to kit out their hero as specified by the units listing in their respective codex. Over the course of the game heroes will gain experience points which they can use to raise their stat line and become more powerful. Heroes will also gain Requisition Points which they can use to purchase additional equipment from the in game Armoury of over 100 individual items.
The game is always different each time you play, Zombies will level up differently each game forcing characters to adapt to counter the zombies and the other players heroes if so chose to try and engage them in single combat amidst the Zombie hordes. The game also draws some similarities to DotA for those who have played that game, the use of lanes and towers will seem familiar. I started creating the game towards the end of 5th edition when myself and my local gaming group were feeling 5th ed was getting rather stale for us. We were at a point where we wanted to play games however we had all played the game to death and with only a few tables to play on, people would be inevitably left waiting for a game.
So a need for something fun and that could involve more than two players was there and thus Nurgle Zombie Apocalypse was born. I have spent hours and hours along with my competitive gaming group play testing, balancing and designing rules to make the game a bunch of fun for those people just wanting a beer and pretzels game and balanced for those players who want to spend hours working out the best hero combinations and then letting them lose on their un-expecting friends. So at the start of 6th ed I updated the rules to coincide with the new 40k rules and decided to write up the rules for some of my other friends to try out.
The response has been really amazing and along with a 4000+ viewed thread on a small Wargaming forum I realized that others seem to be enjoying the game as much as my local gaming group. So now I have spent the time to write up a proper rule book for the game complete with pictures and diagrams for any willing participants to try. If you are like me, a competitive player, and enjoy the thrill of a challenging game, I think you will enjoy Nurgle Zombie Apocalypse playing with that mentality as much as the players who just want to run around slaughtering zombies with their mates!
I have provided a link below for anyone to download the rulebook and try Nurgle Zombie Apocalypse out for yourself. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I did creating it. If people enjoy the game I will put out expansions packs with new items and different game modes. I am currently play testing the first expansion, with additional items, mercinaries for hire and other additions to the game. Regards, Crynn
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