40K RUMORS: Orks – Unit Upgrades!

Yes I said MORE ORKS!!! They are some ways off, but the second round of 40K 6th Greenskin rumors are snaking their way to us.
Here’s the first set, said to be some ways off and early test versions, and here’s the latest batch:
Mek Tank – Sporting a giant Shokk Attack Gun, firing Bomb Squigs. Tank can purchase a KFF.
Flashgits – Their Snazz guns roll for random range each turn (12+3d6). On a triple 1 they overheat like Gets Hot. The unit may purchase upgrades like +1 BS, +1A, blast, rapid fire, skyfire, ans others, several are mutually exclusive.
Boys – cheaper!
Meks – Look for ability to field an increased number of Deffdreads and Kanns than currently.
Stormboyz – Gain a “Rocket boost” attack that can target flyers. They must move 18” and if they pass a flyer they each get 2 attacks on it as if assaulting a vehicle. Move as infantry during their next turn. Looks like the designers played a lot of THQ’s Space Marine!
Buggys / Trakks – May tank shock if they are upgraded with spiked plates/wheels.
~ I’m TOTALLY diggin that anti-flyer Stormboyz attack. Now that’s forming a narrative! Have at it.