Best of BoLS – 3-9-2013

Best of BoLS returns with another packed issue of your models!
Doc; Welcome back to Best of BoLS!
I told you at the end of the last post that I had a few threads under my watchful eye, and now I have the space to share some of my favourite works!
Shades; As always, we’ve been snooping around in the Miniatures, Hobby and Project lounge. And what a selection we have found! With so many great companies pushing the limits of what is possible with model making, and such a great community eager to show off, how could we not? So, without further ado…
Doc; I featured some of Spruglys work in the past, showing off his Brass Scorpion. He’s turned the same colours schemes to the two newest engines in the Chaos army. So behold his Maulerfiend!
The paint scheme matches the Brass Scorpion we showed off a few issues ago, but with more exposed metal and deamonflesh I feel it looks even better on this smaller frame. He’s made the same concious choice I have with my Maulerfiend and converted the model to look cool, not for gaming! By standing more upright I feel the model looks more impressive, but it means he gets less cover saves and finds it harder to hide on the table!
Shades; One of the things I like most is the fantastic contrast between the cool looking steel and the magma armour is fantastic. Sprugly has also done a great job with the smaller details, really helping give life to the pose. Those eyes in particular really scream evil. The dead Deathwing Terminator also shows of the shear power of the pose nicely.
Speaking of raw power, few organisations of the 41st Millennium wield as much as the Ecclesiarchy of Mankind. Despite that, their buildings can still come to ruin, as depicted in Slickwillys Scratch Built Church
Shades; All praise the Emperor! The detail Slickwilly has achieved is easily as crisp and well made as any manufactured kit I have seen. He as also topped that off with a stunning paint job that makes his building look like they could have fallen out of a photograph.
Doc; Scenery is such an important part of the game and something that is often neglected in some circles. Such an incredible looking and narrative piece of scenery is made even more impressive when you consider its all scratchbuilt.
And now…I can finally bring some Warmahordes to these articles! Havok100 Judicator.
I’m not gonna lie. I’m not a Warmachine fan. Most of the models I’ve seen don’t interest me, and when I’ve seen it played it looks boring. But this guy… he’s one of the few models I can understand wanting to collect. The paint job is incredible, from the shaded whites, the wonderfully blended purples and the flaming orange details it all just looks regal and impressive.
Shades; As the good doctor said, the crisp, blended whites are incredibly impressive. The overall, fantastical look of this model is great, with no part looking out of place at all. I am not a huge fan of the orange glow around the various vents, but I think that is more a personal preference thing than an actual criticism (although feel free to agree with me in the comments below!) Another thing I’d like to note is the incredible consistency over what is a sizable model.
The next models are not big or white, but are a little shiny. But i still like them so here are Templarz Warriors of Chaos.
Shades; See? Not white. Blue is not white. Again, the overall scheme works really well tonally, with a solid base and subtle weathering that doesn’t become the main focus of the model. It adds to them without drawing your eye away from the rest of the detail.
Doc; Despite being an early work thread, if the rest of the army follows up on this level I’m eagerly anticipating the rest! The damage on the helmet and the shields helps with the grim image that Warriors of Chaos should have.
Shades; I can’t say I am too au fait with the Warriors of Chaos fluff, but I don’t believe this is a ‘standard’ scheme as such, and yet they really fit the theme, despite the bright colour.
Doc; And another issue ends. We got lucky this time and found some awesome models, so make sure you gets your on the forum! We also managed to get our first Warmahordes into the post. I desperately want to include models from other gaming systems (after all GW isn’t the entire hobby!) but there are so few posted that aren’t commissioned painters showing off! So please post your Warmahordes, your Dust, your Infinity, your Dreadball, your Epic, your Flames of War, your Aeronautica, your Firestorm……there are so many models out there!
Shades; If you don’t play any of those games yourself, get your mates who do to post theirs! Until then, let us know what you think of our choices today in the comments below. We don’t always get chance to reply, but we certainly read them.
So it’s goodbye from me, and goodbye from him. Until next time…