Goatboy’s 40K – Monday Monster Mash!

Goatboy is here and I am chatting about Daemons once again. The book is very interesting and I think it will reward the better player in the long run.
This is great as it makes me have to tweak and change my play style in game instead of just “running” through the motions at times. Plus who doesn’t like weird creepy stuff kicking butt for “evil” gods in outer space.
Today I want to discuss some list ideas that tend towards the Monster Mash style list. When I restarted the dance of 40k I played the initial Nidzilla list. I know it wasn’t a well liked opponent list but it still gave me everything I wanted in the game – big monsters crushing things. This all stems from the fact that I love building, painting, and converting huge monsters. The larger space lends to a lot more enjoyable painting experience as you can easily blend colors and utilize washes to a better effect.
So with the new Demon book and the ability to field 5 MC’s really speaks to me. Heck if you start to add in Chaos Space Marines with their best friend good looks you can get 6 MC’s with a flying Dragon making it a sorta 7. So with that in mind I wanted to talk through some lists to see if we can find something that works.
Let’s look at each Mono-God MC build to see if things stick out and work better then others.
Mono-Khorne MC List aka I Guess I’m Angry?
HQ: Bloodthirster, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift
HQ: Skarbrand
HQ: CSM DP, MoK, Wings, Armor, Axe of Blind Fury
Troops: Bloodletters X 10
Troops: Bloodletters X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Heavy: DP, MoK, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
Heavy: DP, MoK, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
Heavy: DP, MoK, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
This sits right at 1840 so you could dump an Instrument on a Bloodletter if you wanted. The Exalted gift is to grab the Portalglpyh to ensure you have enough troops most of the time to win games. Still this is a rough, punch you in the face style list designed to get in, get involved, and most likely take all your girl scout cookies.
Mono-Nurgle MC List – aka Fatty Boom Boom!
HQ: Great Unclean One, Greater Rewards X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 2 Psyker
HQ: Great Unclean One, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift, Lvl 2 Psyker
HQ: CSM DP, MoN, Wings, Armor, The Black Mace
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10, Instrument, Icon
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10, Instrument
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10, Instrument
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Heavy: DP, MoN, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Phlem
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Phlem
This is another list – I added Soul Grinders as the flying DP’s are not really needed. The two GUO are your two rocks that move up, get into problems, and stink the place up. The Grinders are needed to do some damage. I think this list works the best of the Mono God options as it still has some punch and some resilience.
Mono-Slaanesh MC List – AKA it is Business Time!
HQ: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift – 340pts
HQ: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift – 340pts
HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar, Bike
Troops: Daemonettes X 10, Instrument
Troops: Daemonettes X 10, Instrument
Troops: Cultist X 10
Troops: Cultist X 10
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Torrent
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Fortification: Aegis Line
This is a different take that utilizes the Fleeting monsters to get in. The reason for the 3 High level casters is to try and pull Invisibility. One of those Demonic Robots with Invisibility is pretty nutty and having a chance at 3 is pretty good. I would roll for the Sorcerer first and then see if you need to get Biomancy on the two DP’s. The Sorcerer is there as a cheaper alternative to get a Level 3 caster. He is on a bike to make his butt fatter so he won’t die to random nonsense.
Mono-Tzeentch MC List – aka the ZZAP!
HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Lord of Change, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3
Troops: Pink Horrors X 20, Banner, Instrument
Troops: Pink Horrors X 20, Banner, Instrument
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
This list feels the weakest due to its nature versus Flyers. You definitely want some Heralds if you want to play Mono Tzeentch list. Still this is a lot of guys to remove as well and the two Exalted Gifts are to get the Portal and Grimoire.
Of course these massive MC lists are neat to look at but I personally feel a mixed god list will end up being the best for these style lists. With the need to fly around and having some kind of Anti Air the list suffers. Personally I really like the Slaanesh list as invisible robots is pretty hilarious.
Here is my current combo list that tries to do a little bit of everything. It has a low model count plus enough flyers to be a pain in the butt.
HQ: Bloodthirster, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift
HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 2 Caster
HQ: CSM DP, MoN, Wings, Armor, The Black Mace
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 1 Caster
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Phlem
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Phlem
Are you looking at a Return to Nidzilla? These bigger kits allow for some neat armies and I am excited to try and create more insane monsters. I will be testing MC lists to find one that is both fast to play and interesting to paint. It’s the only way to survive tournaments that have you setting up terrain and trying to bust out your moves in a bit over 2 hours.
-Goatboy out. So what’s your take on 6th Monster Mash lists?