WFB NEWS: High Elves Minis (Pics) + Rules

It’s looking like Warhammer Fantasy High Elves are coming after Tau Empire (right on schedule).
You’ve got to see these minis to believe it!
Some tidbits:
-Elven Dexterity: units with this rule can use parry save when wielding any weapon, even if mounted (some units may use it against shooting or even if mounted).-Elven Weapons: no penalties on two-handed or moving&shooting (there may exist extra bonus on elite units). -Elven Mages: +1 to dispel and can repeat channelings.-High Magic: More powerful spells and representing the 8 lores of magic. It is said that there is one that gives life back to a dead character and other one specific against Chaos and “Bad” armies.
~Now that’s more like it. Fantastic Phoenix Riders, and decent rumored rules to boot.