40k FAQs – April Edition

A large group of new FAQs are out. Games Workshop continues their nice trend of constantly updating the FAQs and answering some questions quickly for new books.
They’ve done some for April again. First, they’ve identified areas where rules or options needed, wait for it, CHANGING. They’ve done this sporadically in the past but there are several things here which have been changed which is great. Hopefully they will realize sooner or later this can be used for when they screw up rules repeatedly and might sell some of their useless stuff.
Anyway, some of the major things which have all been summarised over at 3++.
Blasts can now kill models out of Line of Sight.
Imohtek hits fliers and Allies.
Yes Allies of Convenience score and contest.
Tau models can take two of one weapon system without twin-linking.
Ravenwing Command Squads can take up to five models.
Powerfield Generator does not expand from a vehicle hull.
Grand Strategy is for Grey Knights only.
Random Allocation solved for flyer-over attacks (specifically Reavers).
Stealth from camo cloaks and Disruption Pods removed.
Oh and the worst one – an FAQ telling you to dice off. Twice. You wrote the rules, tell us which takes precedence when (like Mindshackle Scarabs). Or re-write them.
Some very good things, lots of things still unanswered. Some good changes, lots of changes still to make. Some stupid things – as usual. What’s your take on these?