40K Rumors: And the Eldar Author is…
We all say that we just want our favorite army to get their codex yesterday – until we start talking about individual Games Workshop authors.
Word on the street says (thanks Faeit) that Phil Kelly is authoring Codex Eldar. Now Phil did Eldar last time around and there are pros and cons to having the same author redo a codex twice in a row.
Pros and Cons
On the one hand you risk it being a tired re-tread with uninspiring results. You also have the risks of weaknesses or strengths that need corrections being overlooked as its most difficult to critique one’s own work.
On the other hand, you get an experienced hand who already knows what the army is about, both in rules and background. You have an author who may have had long term plans for the book, and who knows things and ideas that were discarded previously as bad, or even more dangerous too powerful. In short, you get an author who already knows how to avoid the pitfalls.
On Phil…
Kelly has given us Dark Eldar, so we would get a single author giving us his perspective on the entire Eldar race, both the good and bad versions. I think this is a good thing. In Fantasy – you can see some cool parallels in the High Elves and Dark Elves books which are broken reflections of each other – that I think could be even better orchestrated in 40K coming from the same person’s pen.
Kelly also gave us Orks and Space Wolves.
Overall, I’m hopeful and still believe that Phil is the best, most steady hand on the block over in Nottingham. His books don’t have the over the top glitz or drama of the other authors, but are well costed, with very few useless units and tend to stand the test of time.
What’s your take?