Arena Rex: The Crowd Roars!

You have only a couple of days to checkout out breakout Kickstarter: Arena Rex. If you like Gladiators, miniatures and the roar of the crowd don’t miss it!
First the basics:
Gladiator miniatures and an arena skirmish game in a world where history, myth, and legend intersect.
Arena Rex is a line of high-quality, 35mm resin miniatures and an engaging skirmish game for 2 or more players. The world of Arena Rex is historically inspired, mythic in scope and legendary in proportion. Join us in bringing that world to life.
The world and setting are the soul of Arena Rex: those things which give it character and identity. The rumor and superstition that are pervasive through accounts of the ancient world have been writ large in Arena Rex, and a keen sense of wonder is a key element that we wanted to include in the world. Inspired by the most exciting eras of antiquity, we have taken some anachronistic liberties and changed some key historical points to create a world that is both familiar and incredible.
The Roman Republic endures on the shores of the Mediterranean, while across the Alps, the Gallo-Roman Empire holds sway. The kingdom of Aegyptus is a tributary of the Roman Republic and ruled directly by an Antonian king and Ptolemaic queen. The Atlantic is not the barrier it once was, and men from the twilight lands of the north and natives of the far west join in commerce and warfare. The year is 1253 AUC and this is not the world you know.
The miniatures we are creating are the heart of Arena Rex. At its core, this project is a way to get a line of exceptional gladiator miniatures out into the world. Every Arena Rex mini is a work of art, handmade by extraordinarily skilled artisans. We have some of the best sculptors in the world working on our models, and we put in a lot of effort to make sure they have what they need to capture the character of each piece. We then cast the sculpts in resin for a high-fidelity replica of the original.
Resin is the perfect medium for painters and collectors alike. Painters will love the detail captured on the models, and everyone else will appreciate how stunning our resin is in its natural state.
The kickstarter blew through its funding goals and is headed into 6 figures. The miniatures, gameplay video, and most of all the art really got a hold of people.
In just the last few days the following has gotten added to the Arena Rex mix:
~ Get on over to the Kickstarter and take a look – the clock is ticking!