40K RUMORS: A Tale of Two Shurikens

At the heart of the Eldar arsenal and army list lies their race’s hallmark weapons – the Shuriken family. Lets see what is headed our way…
Few weapons have been as dynamic over the editions of Warhammer 40,000 as the Shuriken weapons.
From a Rogue Trader bolter equivalent with a -2 armor save modifier, to a 2nd Edition nasty piece of work with following fire dice, to a rapid fire, then finally an assault, short ranged weapon in its latest incarnation. The Design Studio has experimented widely with the standard Eldar sidearm over the decades.
In general the goal has been to make a weapon that somehow match the fluff – an elegant weapon, that spews out fusillades of mono-molecular discs that dice up whatever unfortunate soul stands in their path.
Word has reached us of two divergent schools of though for the latest codex shuriken family, and the jury is still out on which one was ultimately selected. Both are highly divergent from the short-ranged 12″ S:4 AP:5 Assault 2 weapon we have now (oh those poor, poor Guardians). Here we go folks:
OPTION A: The Bane of Flesh
This option highlights the vicious nature of the Shuriken ammo, making it deadlier vs statline models.
Shuriken Pistol 12″ S:4 AP5 Pistol, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Catapult 18″ S:4 AP5 Assault 2, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24″ S:4 AP:5 Assault 2, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, (Fleshbane or Shred)
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, (Fleshbane or Shred), Poison(4+), Pinning
This option highlights the amazing rate of fire of Shuriken weapons, focusing on weight of fire.
Shuriken Pistol 12″ S:4 AP5 Pistol
Shuriken Catapult 18″ S:4 AP5 Salvo2/4
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24″ S:4 AP:5 Salvo 2/4
Shuriken Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6, Poison(4+), Pinning