New May White Dwarf Review & High Elves Pics

Well I had a chance to read the new May 2013 issue of White Dwarf, that features all the new High Elf models. There was a pretty epic battle report that featured them versus Ogre Kingdoms, and we really got to see how the their new “flying” models work.
I’m kinda surprised they haven’t replaced the old “ham fisted” warrior models by now cause they really seem to be showing their age these days.
New models aside- this issue, just like in April’s White Dwarf, had all the normal articles, (from Kit Bash to Paint Splatter) but featured a new article segment called Armchair General. So I guess the White Dwarf Staff is once again tweaking the article mix.
Again this White Dwarf was about 150 pages, and again nearly 1/3 of this magazine was devoted to new products and their reviews (which included Forge World, and Black Library previews).
The highlight of the issue for me (and what many of you are probably interested in as well) was the Battle Report that pitted the new High Elves, versus the “evil” Ogre Kingdoms!
The Paint Splatter and Kit Bash articles were some other bright spots in the magazine, and this time it was all about the elven paint schemes. Then it went into the more attainable painting techniques for the shields, and even how to paint the flaming wings on the phoenix from the battle report.
Parade Ground was back this month with a surprise double installment of amazing walker models (from Dreadnoughts to Titans) entries to drool over.
Rules wise there wasn’t too much revealing about the new High Elves’ rules, except some stuff on the Phoenix and some units moving to the “core” slot for army composition.
But other than that, not really a peep about all the rumors from the codex from we’ve been hearing over the last few weeks.
Well that’s about it for this time.