X-Wing: FFG Unveils Wave 3 Ships
2 Minute Read
May 5 2013

Yesterday was Star Wars Day! FFG unveiled the highly anticipated wave 3 ships for their white hot X-wing. Here’s the details.
So far we have the following ships for the game:
TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor
Slave One
Millennium Falcon
And now we get for Wave 3…
Lambda Class shuttle
HWK-290 “Moldy Crow” (from Dark Forces)
So that adds a bomber and armed shuttle to both sides. I can certainly see mission designers and campaigns opening up with that complete set. The game is getting more rounded out with each passing wave.
Here’s a flickr feed with tons of pics from the FFG unveiling! The detail on these newest wave 3 ships is just fantastic. One of the things I really enjoy about X-wing is you can play right out of the clam-shell, or throw in just a few minutes and “hobby up” your squadron with some simple painting and weathering, to make them your own.
We’ve also opened up an X-Wing forum on the Lounge here. So share all your lists, tactics and anything else you want in there. X-wing is growing fast and needed a dedicated home on the Lounge.
~May the Force be With You.

Author: Larry Vela