40K Army Meta: 1 Year into 6th Edition

WargamesCon 2013 has come and gone. Lets take a moment to see where Warhammer 40k stands one year into 6th Edition.
Totaling all of this year’s Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tourney attendees, here is the army breakdown we saw:
Now lets take a step back in time to what it looked like at the very tail end of 5th edition 1 year ago (it seems like ages doesn’t it).
You will notice a massive reshuffle in only 12 months. CSM are here to stay, even with all the howling of it being a somewhat bland book. It looks like players have been ensnared by the allure of Chaos (or maybe the Heldrake). Strangely IG and Marines stay in roughly the 4-6th slots while almost everything swirls around them. It’s not all the new codices, as we see Necrons staying strong, while being a 5th edition book, yet some of the newest 6th edition books such as Dark Angels are struggling to find adherents. The army to fall the fastest are the Space Wolves. Once the wunderkind of the game, it would seem the Sons of Russ are mostly sitting this year out on Fenris. The Black Templars and Sisters slipped away entirely. Finally after all these years it’s nice to welcome our Tau brothers back into our ranks. We missed you guys!
As the final cherry on top I would like to present the top 4 placing armies at the event. We’ll be getting more in depth on these lists later this week.
1st: Necrons (Ork allies – no forgeworld)
2nd: Chaos Daemons – (no forgeworld)
3rd: IG (forgeworld)
4th: Chaos Daemons (CSM allies – no forgeworld)
This is where we sit ladies and gentlemen. Ahead of us is the unknown of what new codices and new sub-army books such as Iyanden lie ahead 6th Edition. It will be interesting to see where the community will be six months from now.
Have at it folks.