40K HOBBY: The Artist Formerly Known as She Who Thirsts
I made this Solitaire HQ, an Autarch with Mantle of the Laughing God, Jetbike, Laser Lance, and Fusion Gun, for Bigred.
The base model is the new Finecast Alarielle the Radiant for High Elves, mounted on a Hellion Skyboard. I mounted the fusion gun on the skyboard, and altered her staff with the tip of a bright lance to make her laser lance. For the face, I hollowed out the back of a plastic head to create a mask for Alarielles face. The streamers to the base were in my bitz box, and I have no idea where they came from (though I think the model might have been some sort of angel/nephilim), but they are a nice piece. The pin vise was invaluable on this one…
I matched the colors to the other Harlequin unit I did for Bigred a few years back… I think the shades are garish enough to match that old 2nd ed. standard his army has going on…
Whad’ya think?