40K News: Black Legion Arrives

The third supplemental codex arrives from Games Workshop. Here’s the skinny on Black Legion.
Here’s the skinny on what the army is bring to the tabletop you Chaos Marine fanatics!
Rules/FoC Stuff:
All units must buy VotLW
Chosen are TROOPS
Terminators remain ELITES, IF you purchase Abbadon, you may upgrade 1 unit of Terminators to +1BS and WS.
Black Legion may Ally with codex: CSM (hello 4th Heldrake!)
Warlord Traits:
1. Black Crusader
2. Rerolls to Chaos Boon table for the Warlord.
3. A one-use Flamer.
4. Warlord has It Will Not Die.
5. Warlord’s attacks sometimes cause Instant Death.
6. Friendly units near the Warlord gain Stubborn.
S: User AP3 Daemon weapon, Melee, +1I
-1 T (YIKES) Re-roll ones for Invul saves
Psyker only:
Warp charge 1-3; each charge after the first extends range by 6″
Nova Range 6″ S:4 AP:5 Assault 2d6 Blind, Ignores Cover
If you fail your psychic test when using two+ warp charges – Psyker removed
One use item; Range: unlimited, S:5 AP:4 Heavy1 LargeBlast Ignores Cover
Models with AV (vehicles) automatically take d3 penetrating hits
Grants user Eternal Warrior and Adamantium Will
Hand of Darkness: S:Userx2 AP:1 Melee Fleshbane Armorbane, Instant Death
That is three Supplemental codices in 3 months. I think we have have a pattern forming, and ther are over a dozen more reported in the pipeline.
Your thoughts gang? Thumbs up, or thumbs down for Abbadon’s boys ?