40K RUMORS: Regarding the Mycetic Spore…
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Aug 27 2013
They rain down from the Hiveships, gelatenous bags of vile ichor and malevolence. Here’s the latest word on the Mycetic Spore said to arriving with the upcoming Tyranids.
-Mycetic Spore is coming with the new Tyranid release
-Plastic combo-kit that makes the Spore and another large bug.
-It is an enormous creature, with an immense abdomen/transport sac, that spills over the sides of a standard oval base.
-It has tiny vestigial arms similar to a Zoanthropes, and a head with a tentacle ringed maw.
-The giant abdomen/sac looks swollen, and has internal protuberances looking like Tyranid creatures are stretching the skin from within, about to rip their way out… ~EWWWWW!!!
-It has forward arms options that can be upgraded for various biomorph/weapon options.
-The secondary creature build option replaces the abdomen/sac with something entirely different.
OMG, that sounds like a gigantic Space-tick hurled at the planet’s surface… *SPLURT* – out pop the carnifexes!
Author: Larry Vela